Dental Technology

We live in the greatest age of dentistry. Advancements and understanding are increasing at a staggering pace and staying up to date with these changes is critical to the care of our patients. Evidence continues to mount linking the state of the mouth to the overall condition of the body. Providing patients with knowledge and care that can change and improve their quality of life is our ultimate goal. The bar has been raised. When patients come to our office that is the level of care they will receive.

We are constantly striving to give our patients the finest dental care possible, and our investment in advanced technology is also a long-term investment in your oral health. We understand that using updated technology leads to more informed decision-making, allowing our patients to make the best possible decisions about their oral health.

Digital X-rays

X-rays are a primary tool for early identification of dental problems. Detecting issues with x-rays before they become problematic can save you money in the long run. Early detection can help prevent the need for more extensive, expensive procedures or surgeries. X-rays are primarily used to detect:

  • Internal tooth decay
  • Cysts (fluid-filled sacks at the base of your teeth)
  • Tumors, both cancerous and non-cancerous
  • Impacted teeth
  • +
  • Teeth that are still coming in

At Healthy Smiles Family Dentistry, we use digital x-rays, which have several advantages over traditional film-based x-rays. Digital x-rays allow us to take x-rays with 1/5 of the radiation that you would receive from traditional dental x-rays. The worry of exposure to excess radiation is eliminated.

Large on-screen x-rays make patient communication more effective. The immediate observation of the images on the screen allows us to discuss your dental health quickly and accurately.


Traditional gum disease treatment methods involve removing deposits and bacteria from the teeth. While this method is generally effective, a laser light can be used in the deep pockets between the gum and tooth to remove infected tissue and bacteria that causes periodontitis. The gums are left completely intact and are compressed against the tooth.

Intraoral Cameras

An intra-oral camera is a small, toothbrush-shaped/sized camera. The pictures taken with it are displayed on a monitor. We frequently use the intra-oral cameras to show patients issues that have arisen in their mouth, since it is not easy to view much of your own mouth using a mirror. With the camera, we are able to show you in high detail what is going on in your mouth.


This handheld screening device is used to identify whether there are any indications of oral cancer. Using blue fluorescent light, abnormal and cancerous areas will turn dark under the light, while normal areas remain bright.

Whole Body Dentistry & Technology

Technology is able to assist us in myriad ways while also providing support in our mission of treating the whole body through the mouth.

If you have questions about the technology used in our practice, or if you are ready to schedule your consultation, contact us today.

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Our Regular Schedule

Claremore Dental Office


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm







Tulsa Dental Office


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm


7:00 am-3:00 pm





